Things that help anxiety

Anxiety is another emotion that a lot of us struggle with especially when it comes to the complex and overwhelming nature of caring for the environment.

Whether it is prompted by all the knowledge and scientific data we have at this point in history, or the news, or social media and it’s campaigning… let’s look at what can help us manage our anxiety well.


The first step we all need to take is to acknowledge how we feel. Acknowledge that it is hard. Accept that it is a struggle. That we can all feel anxious at times.

The good news is it's not the end point. This is the beginning point.


No matter what we feel around caring for our environment getting some perspective can help.

Remind yourself why you care about the planet in the first place. Set up a picture or thought to come back to that inspires you to. One that reminds you what you are fighting for. Mine is thinking of otters and the way they hold hands. Or remembering the fear and wonder of swimming over a manta ray when snorkeling in Barbados years ago.

What's yours?

Get out into nature

This is another way to help us gain perspective but it also helps us to relax. The physical movement involved, whether walking, running or swimming, helps our bodies reset and recharge.

Filling our senses with nature's smells, sights and sensations calms and comforts us. Ever heard of forests bathing?

“Forest bathing has become a vital part of preventative healthcare in Japan. The results of Japanese studies have shown forest bathing improves sleep quality, mood, ability to focus, and stress levels.” Shinrin-yoku

Whether today finds you feeling great, or whether you're struggling, why not plan a trip into nature.

Watch your focus

What we look at and take in can hugely influence how we feel about the environment and our role in helping it.​​​​​​​​​

We are so focused in our society on being in the know and there is so much information and news and spin out there. You don't have to know it all. We can choose to care about some things more than others. We can and need to be intentional about what we choose to take on and what we want to invest our efforts in. Be that time, energy or emotional effort.

Double check who and what you follow / read / watch / listen to.

Curate it.

Make sure to follow reputable sources and positive news.


Join a group or movement who shares your passion for the environment.

Being part of a community that supports and encourages one another is so good. There are more and more initiatives popping up where people are gathering together to share and journey together.

People, Planet, Pint is one such example. Check here to see if there is a group near you.

I also run a monthly forum. One online and one in person (in Glasgow, Scotland) sign up here to join us!

I hope some of these tips will help you when you are feeling anxious. Remember you are not alone and it is not all up to you - we are in this together.




Emotions and the environment